About Me

Hi, I'm Holly and I am studying undergraduate psychology and currently am in my second year. I'm hugely interested in mental health and learning disabilities and hope to have a career helping those with disabilities thrive. In my spare time, I enjoy going to the gym, long walks, concerts and occasionally visit the local church for a Sunday service.
If you see me around, say hi!!

My Role as Accessibility Network Lead

My role as accessibility lead is to chair the network of students who want to improve the university for students, staff and visitors. The purpose of my role is to ensure communication between the students and university is clear and addresses all concerns brought up to the accessibility network. If you have any ideas or concerns, please feel free to email me.

My Goals

1. Ensure adequate signposting for facilities for those with disabilities
2. Improving the availability of food on campus to those with dietary needs
3. Enhancing access to recorded lecture and seminar content.

Contact Me
