My Role in the Students' Union
My role as Student Union Manager and Sports Coordinator involves working with all the sports clubs and the Buckingham Sports Union to provide as many sporting opportunities as possible to our students whilst overseeing and managing the general day to day SU activities and staff. I also oversee our student societies and support them in organising events and activities.
If you are looking to get involved with any of our student groups on campus then I will be happy to help you get involved.
I also work closely with local sports clubs and organisations and am able to help you gain further opportunities with them in the local area.
I am a Level 2 Netball coach, qualified Zumba and Clubbercise instructor and am passionate about all sports!!
Fun Fact About Me
When I was younger I was involved in filming an advert for TV with some of my dance school friends. Not sure it ever made it onto the TV but it was a really fun experience!!
My Proudest Moment
I am very proud of the volunteering work I complete in sport. In July 2019 I was lucky enough to volunteer at the Netball World Cup which was held in Liverpool and in August 2022 I was a volunteer at the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham. These were both amazing opportunities and incredible events to be a part of.
Contact Me