Gold level - Extend, Challenge & Reach 

To achieve Gold level, students need to demonstrate that, in one or more of their Silver level activities, they have gone significantly above and beyond what was expected of them. For example, by doing more, making a broader contribution and finding ways to challenge yourself, whether that is taking on a leadership role or having a hand in revolutionising the work you are involved in. 


Student number 

School of study 

 I have achieved a Buckingham: Unlocking Potential Bronze and Silver Award

The Buckingham: Unlocking Potential Gold award is a bit different to the Bronze and Silver award. As you can see, we don't have prescribed criteria as with the other two awards.

What we want to know from you is how you have gone above and beyond: how you have excelled, made a difference for others and gone above and beyond your studies.

Firstly, please write up a summary (approximately 800 words) detailing how you feel you have met the Gold Standard criteria.

Detail below as briefly as possible what these points are and who the Buckingham: UP team can contact to verify this. The Buckingham: UP team will review this and be in touch.

And don't forget: you've done incredibly well to get this far, well done.