About Me
I’m a mature student who started studying at the University of Buckingham in 2021. Whilst at Buckingham I have completed foundation year in LLB LAW and went on to study Security, Intelligence and Cyber. The journey of education isn’t the easiest at times, but one thing that The University of Buckingham has taught me is ‘persistence is key’. To always remember why you started this journey and that you are never alone. With a great support system for students, I hope I can also make a difference and support students on their journey at university. As your new faculty liaison officer for the school of Business, Humanities and Social Sciences.
My Role as FBHSS Liaison
The Faculty of Business, Humanities and Social Sciences liaison is responsible for facilitating communication and collaboration between the student union and the academic faculty. The primary objective is to ensure that student concerns, ideas, and initiatives are effectively conveyed to faculty members and that the student union can work closely with the faculty to address student-related issues. I work in partnership with the Vice President Student Voice, to facilitate academic rep meetings and also support the work of the Academic Representatives in the faculty providing them with broader insights across disciplines.
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