Note: if you have not already, it is recommended you discuss your society's balance with the SU Administrator.
Date of proposed activity/event
This grant should be submitted at least 2 weeks before your event.
Please select this box to acknowledge grants submitted after this date may not be reviewed
Name of club/society
Value of grant application
How much is in your club/society account? (You can find this out from the SU Administrator if you are unsure)
Description of what the money will be spent on - please email any supporting documents, e.g. list of items to be purchased, to the SU inbox.
Who is this grant benefitting? Students on campusSociety membersAll studentsStudents and StaffLocal CommunitySpecific IndividualsSelect
How will you be advertising this event/activity?
On social mediaPostersStudents AnnounceSU social mediaOtherSelect
Will you be charging for entry? Yes No
If yes, what is the cost of entry?
How much is the club/society contributing to this event?
Members of the club/society committee requesting the grant form:
These members have agreed the amount in advance, are fully-paid members of this club/society and will respond to SU emails to help process this grant
PresidentVice-PresidentCommittee memberSecretarySocial secretary