If your club/society would like financial support from the Students' Union, please complete this form for the Executive to review.

Note: if you have not already, it is recommended you discuss your society's balance with the SU Administrator.


Grant request:

Date of proposed activity/event 

This grant should be submitted at least 2 weeks before your event.

Please select this box to acknowledge grants submitted after this date may not be reviewed 

Name of club/society 

Value of grant application 

How much is in your club/society account?   (You can find this out from the SU Administrator if you are unsure)

Description of what the money will be spent on - please email any supporting documents, e.g. list of items to be purchased, to the SU inbox.

Who is this grant benefitting? 

How will you be advertising this event/activity?


Will you be charging for entry? Yes No  

If yes, what is the cost of entry? 

How much is the club/society contributing to this event? 

Members of the club/society committee requesting the grant form:

These members have agreed the amount in advance, are fully-paid members of this club/society and will respond to SU emails to help process this grant