Candidate for the position of Computing, Law and Psychology Liaison

Image for Ciaran Smith

Ciaran Smith

For Unity, Friendship, and Success. A strong Faculty, a stronger say, and the strongest improvements, designed to last. The future is ours to make.

Where does the time go?

We at Buckingham are no strangers to time pressure; for us, it’s squeezed into two years. There’s something you don’t want to spend time on, and that’s worrying. At such times you might not know where to turn. Your student representatives are your peers and your allies in that regard, but who represents the representatives? Well, other representatives! Specifically the Faculty Liaison, and if I earn your vote, do not worry that I will go grey from the stress. For I am already grey. (It’s an Irish thing, we go salt-and-pepper at thirty.) We are three Schools in one Faculty, and harmonising our voices gives us greater strength. 

Although I am a Psychology student, I am fortunate enough to have past experience and interest in the other Schools within the Faculty as well. I have great interest in Computer Science and technology, having built my own computers and dabbled in coding, as well as experience in Law, having studied many years ago, and more recently having taken the DWP to court, represented myself, and won. Rest assured, whichever School within the Faculty your course belongs to, it will be of interest to me, and your happiness and success just as important.

I believe in the future’s technology, and the future’s justice, but most of all I believe in the future’s people. You are the future, and it will be brighter for that. Things can be daunting, but they will improve, and if I earn your votes, I will do all I can to ensure it. My door will always be open; there is no concern too small. Your concerns are my concerns, treated with as much respect, raised with as much care. Therefore, a vote for me really is a vote for you, for all of you.