Candidate for the position of LGBTQ+ Network Lead



Pushing for equitable treatment where it matters.



My name is Max Middleton.

I'm a queer PPE student living here in Beloff House, on campus.

Buckingham University is home to so many wonderful, lovely people.

People who deserve to feel welcomed and represented.

Especially in times of disarray.

I know I, and many other queer students alike, are feeling the latest push of culture-war fuelled homo- and transphobic hate and oppression, manifesting in both the interpersonal and the political.

This is why I believe we need to create a more active LGBTQ+ Network, building upon the foundations of the current Network Leader, the adept Sonali Bhujun.

An effort must be made to create an inclusive environment on campus.


I plan to put my all into trying to make the university environment more welcoming to queer people,

Passisonately advocating for the students I represent,

and creating more events for everyone to attend - both to celebrate queerness, and to offer students an opportunity to learn more about queer issues.

In order to help achieve a broader perspective on queer issues for both cis-het and LGBTQ+ students alike,

I aim to invite queer academic speakers to campus, with all encouraged to join and expand their horizons.

Do you feel similar, and want queer students to always have a confident, determined voice in their corner?


Vote for me, Max Middleton, as soon as polls are open.

Thank you!