Candidate for the position of Vice President - Student Voice

Image for Kamva Gcaza

Kamva Gcaza

Dedicated to Your Voice

Hello, my name is Kamva, and I'm running for Vice President: Student Voice. Our university is a diverse and vibrant community, and it's crucial that every student's voice is heard. My goal is to ensure that your opinions and concerns are taken into account at every level of decision-making.

My key commitment is to ensure active student representation by keeping in touch with faculty and academic student reps to ensure that your academic needs are met and hopefully in my role as VP I can use that feedback we get from students to make real change within our courses and university policies. I plan to have a hollistic approach to the role, and to address other areas of student life such as campus safety and student health. 

Together, we can build a university where every student feels heard and valued. Vote for me, Kamva, for Vice President: Student Voice, and let's make our voices count!