Candidate for the position of President

Image for Annabel Awosika

Annabel Awosika

Let's make it something we are proud of

During my three years as a student at Buckingham, I've identified numerous opportunities to enhance campus life. These insights motivated me to run for VP Activities in 2023. In this role, I led initiatives that engaged and represented our diverse student body. A notable achievement was introducing CRAFTERNOONS, weekly de-stress sessions that provided a creative outlet and a platform to hear your visions for an ideal student experience. Additionally, I helped implement student feedback mechanisms like the Student Town Hall, deepening my understanding of your needs and fueling my decision to run for SU President.

As your President, I will champion a multicultural and inclusive range of activities with the SU team, ensuring every student feels engaged and valued. I am committed to fair and equal treatment across all Buckingham campuses, including remote locations, through regular visits and communication with representatives to address essential services and concerns.

Amplifying the student voice will be central to my presidency. Through regular consultations, I will ensure your opinions are heard and considered at every level of university decision-making. I also aim to achieve greater independence for our union, allowing us to represent you more effectively without bureaucratic constraints.

Transparency and communication are essential to me. I will keep you informed of the union’s decisions and actions through regular Sabbs Q&A sessions and updates on social media.

Thank you for reading my manifesto. I am eager to continue working with and for you.