Candidate for the position of President

Image for Louis Groarke

Louis Groarke

YOUR VOICE - OUR UNION: Inclusive, Action-Oriented, and Efficient

With a deep passion for advocacy and a wealth of experience, I am confident that I can drive significant improvements across both the SU and the university, creating a thriving, inclusive, and engaging environment for all students.


What Will I Do? (My full manifesto: My full manifesto explains how I will achive each point.

  • Enhance Student Life

  • Promote Inclusion and Diversity

  • Improve Academic Administration

  • Increase SU Event Quality and Frequency

  • Take Action-Oriented Approach

  • Ensure there is a Mini Bus Service Connecting Campuses 

  • Support Active Societies

  • Review and Advocate to Improve Academic Policies

  • Ensure of SU Accountability

  • Provide Internal SU Improvements

  • Improve SU Efficiency and Timely Outcomes for Students 

  • Empower Academic Reps

  • Provide More Student Grants

  • Better SU Fund Management

  • Promote and Empower through Statgegic Action a Healthy Lifestyle and Good Mental Health for Student 

  • Create a Debating Chamber Champining Student Voice



My vision is to create a future-ready Students' Union that prioritizes student voice and values diversity. I aim to enhance student life, ensure efficient operations, and promote sustainability, making our university experience better for everyone.


  • Integrity, Accountability, and Transparency: Serving with honesty and responsibility.
  • Inclusion, Equality, and Diversity: Committed to creating an inclusive environment.
  • Student Voice: Ensuring your concerns and suggestions shape the SU’s actions.
  • Sustainability: Promoting sustainability within the SU.

Priorities & Strategic Objectives:

  • Student Voice: The power of student voice will be utilized effectively , ensuring student’s voice is heard and acted upon
  • Student Life: Enhancing the overall student experience & championing diversity with a vibrant and engaging campus experience
  • Academic Policy Improvement: Ensuring policy is student friendly.
  • Efficiency: Ensuring the SU operates to its highest potential.


I am dedicated to making your university experience the best it can be, and I look forward to serving as your next SU President when / if I’m elected.