Candidate for the position of Inclusion Network Lead

Image for Lara Lawal

Lara Lawal

Buckingham for All

To promote inclusion within our academic community.

Outreach and Community Involvement
Necessary changes will be effected and importance of diversity and inclusion will be effectively conveyed by:

  • Building partnerships with different campus groups on campus and members of staff to support diversity and inclusion activities.
  • Organizing more events and workshops that are focused on promoting awareness and understanding issues on inclusion.
  • Fostering a welcoming community for students to flourish and contribute to the inclusive culture.

Quality Leadership
With my understanding of cultural diversity and empathetic perspectives to the experience of underrepresented groups,

  • Strategies that are keen on fostering a diverse and inclusive campus environment will be sought and embraced.

Advocacy and Support                                                                                                                                       
I’ll encourage advocacy focused on,

  • Catering to the interests of marginalized and underrepresented groups within the university.
  • More representation of students living with disabilities and events catered to them.
  • More sessions focused on improving students’ mental health/wellbeing.
  • More Mechanisms to support individuals who may face discrimination/bias

As an individual who believes in the effectiveness of teamwork, I will encourage collaboration with many university departments to incorporate the values of diversity and inclusion into every facet of university operations

Overall, I will be an assertive leader who promotes inclusivity and fosters a climate in which every member of the university’s community feels appreciated, acknowledged, heard, and supported.