Candidate for the position of Computing, Law and Psychology Liaison

Image for Musa Raja

Musa Raja

Empowering Minds, Amplifying Voices: A Strong Voice for Student Issues

As your Student Liaison, I am dedicated to representing and advocating for the diverse needs and concerns of all students. My mission is to ensure that your voice is not only heard but acted upon. I will enhance access to academic resources, including tutoring services, comprehensive study materials, and personalized academic advising. I will collaborate with career services to increase internship opportunities, job placements, and networking events, bridging the gap between academic learning and professional success. Promoting initiatives that foster a diverse and inclusive campus culture, I will support minority groups and work to eliminate discrimination. Advocating for the continuous improvement of campus facilities and technology, I will ensure students have access to state-of-the-art resources. Encouraging active participation in student organizations and campus events, I aim to foster a vibrant and supportive community. Additionally, I will challenge any academic changes that do not align with the best interests of the student body, ensuring that your education remains of the highest quality. I will ensure that students have a robust platform to voice their concerns, driving initiatives through your feedback and working tirelessly to ensure your opinions lead to meaningful action. Together, we can create a campus environment that is supportive, inclusive, and empowering for all students.

To get in contact:


Linkedin: Musa Raja

Instagram: Musaraja29