Events in March

Forthcoming Events

Mon 3rd March

Play A Game Of Chess
5pm - 6pm
OTM Refectory, Buckingham
Problem Based Learning (PBL) Session 2
6pm - 9pm
Sunley Lecture Hall, Chandos Road Building
Think. Apply. Master. – Elevate Your Learning with PBL!
International Women's Day Quiz Night
8pm - 10pm
OTM Bar, Buckingham

Tue 4th March

International Women's Day Pledge Day
midnight - 10pm
OTM Bar, Buckingham

Wed 5th March

International Women's Day Round Table
4pm - 7pm
VB5/6, Buckingham

Thu 6th March

International Women's Day Games Night
7pm - 9pm
OTM Bar, Buckingham

Fri 7th March

International Women's Day Coffee and Chat
midnight - 5pm
World Book Day
6am - 11am
The Hub, Crewe campus
World Book Day
Jam Session
8pm - 10pm
OTM Refectory, Buckingham
come along and join in!

Mon 10th March

Movie Night
6:30pm - 8pm
Vinson Building Auditorium

Thu 13th March

Japanese language class
6:30pm - 7:30pm
CRB001, Buckingham

Fri 14th March

Holi Party
5pm - 7pm
Ford Meadow, Buckingham

Thu 27th March

PRAS Mock ETA: Open to all!
6pm - 9pm
Chandos Road Building, Buckingham - in person
Sign up for the PRAS Mock ETA for free to get a taste of what your ETA1 is going to be like! Featuring questions written by second, third and fourth years from UBMS; this mock will be a great learning experience for all involved! Sign up now!
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