Educational Events

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Forthcoming Events

Sat 29th March

TOB Revision Series - The GMS X Peds Soc
2pm - 3:30pm
Vinson Building (Seminar Room 6)
📢 Tissues of the Body – Term 1 Revision Session! Join us in person on March 29th (2:00 – 3:30 PM) for an interactive revision session covering Tissues of the Body with exam-style questions.

Sun 30th March

ePortfolio Workshop - Cardiology & Cardiothoracic Surgery Society
4pm - 5pm
£10 for non-members, £7 for CCTS members
Molecules, Genes and Diseases - The GMS X Peds Soc.
4pm - 5:30pm
Vinson Building (Seminar Room 6)
🧬 Molecules, Genes & Disease – Term 1 Revision! Join us in person on March 30th (4:00 – 5:30 PM) for an interactive revision session covering Molecules, Genes & Disease with exam-style questions to sharpen your understanding.

Wed 2nd April

Clinical Problem Solving - The GMS X Peds Soc.
7:30pm - 9pm
Vinson Building (Seminar Room 6)
🩺 Clinical Problem-Solving – Term 1 Revision! Join us in person on April 2nd (7:30 – 9:00 PM) for an interactive revision session focused on Clinical Problem-Solving.

Thu 17th April

Treasure Hunt
5pm - 7pm
Around Buckingham Town
Exciting Treasure Hunt across the ancient town of Buckingham. Put on your best pirate costume and join us in looking for the mysterious clues to unlock the chest. Best dressed pirate gets a prize

Sat 31st May

Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery Society - Paediatric Cardiology Conference
10am - 4pm
Academic Centre - Milton Keynes University Hospital
More to be announced.
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