Hi there!

I’d like to wish a very warm welcome to all the new students coming to the University of Buckingham this week, and a happy Autumn term to those returning to their studies! My name is Toby Corbett, I am the elected Students’ Union President for 2023 and if you’re reading this, you have come across the University of Buckingham Students’ Union! The SU intends to represent, engage and empower all students here – while also benefitting the wider community around the University as a whole. We develop student advocacy through organising academic representation in all of the University schools, holding elections amongst the student body that elect students to representative roles that help incite change in the University to benefit students, and we also run various engaging events all throughout the year.

Throughout the next couple of weeks, we are going to be holding a range of freshers’ events for our new students to engage with and become accustomed to their University life and what the Students’ Union can offer for them. I encourage all of you to not only engage with the SU through attending events, but also look into academic representation, setting up/joining a society or sports club and or the elections that are coming up soon in October!

As the Students’ Union President, I represent students at the highest governing levels of the University, and make sure the union is moving in the direction that benefits students the most. Right now, that direction is introducing an advice service within the SU in the near future!

I hope to meet all of you who are just arriving to either campus, I’ll be around, likely in a Freshers’ Team T-Shirt so be sure to say hi!