An update from your Netball Club President
It has been a challenging last year with the pandemic, however, that did not stop us netballers from still wanting to play, train and stay active. The girls took part in weekly online sessions which were run by myself to help keep us fit and in gear for when we were able to return to court. These consisted of workouts, be it HIIT, upper body or lower body, which proved difficult after seeing the sweat and tomato faces after each workoutJ .
Alongside the rest of the BSU, the girls took part in raising money for ‘Move for Mind’, which resulted in over £800 raised!
As an exec we realised one important thing that was missing… dresses. So myself and the rest of the exec designed, modified and created our own University of Buckingham netball dresses! Still being in lockdown, with no in person training or meet ups, we were very excited to be able to have yet another thing to look forward to coming out of lockdown.
Recently, we were lucky to have the go ahead from Boris, which not only meant we would train 5.30-7pm on a Monday, but also go straight in to playing league games! Since then, we have had many girls at training and a great success with the matches in Milton Keynes! As president of the club, I couldn’t be prouder with the girls I play alongside with and I am super excited to see where netball takes us!
Looking forwards, I am hoping to have more games organised against other local netball teams and universities, to help build and develop our netball.
I hope that netball at Buckingham continues to grow and develop into an even more amazing club, with win after win when playing.

If you are a student who still hasn’t signed up and wishes to join netball, please do not hesitate to email me ( or message me on Instagram (@buckstorandoes)!
We train on Mondays 5.30-7 outdoors on the court by the Vinson building and this will be until we get the go ahead to train inside again.
I cannot wait to see you all again!
Your netball president,
Melina Petrie