Buckingham Town Council is excited that the Buckingham Fringe Week will be going ahead this summer and plans are well underway for a week of events. So far events include a children’s outdoor theatre, otter trail through the town, skate park awareness day, the ever popular Oxford fiddle group, wellness walk and a fun day at the Lace Hill Sports and Community Centre. There will also be entertainment in the town centre throughout the summer months. Events are being planned to take place outside and allow for social distancing. If government restrictions change, then events may be altered.
Cllr Robin Stuchbury, Chair of the Town Centre & Events Committee, said “I am looking forward to the return of the Fringe. The Buckingham Town Council events team has been working closely together with councillors on producing a collection of events built around our established Fringe Festival and are planning for the future by providing events and activities for every member of the community.
One of Buckingham’s strongest assets is its ability for everyone to work together with partners to give residents that ambience once again as we carefully and responsibly reopen Buckingham both socially and economically.
We will be publishing further details in the upcoming weeks and months and look forward to providing some joy through social interaction and community events throughout the summer.”
If you are going to be putting on events in Buckingham during that week and would like to be included in the Fringe Week brochure, please e-mail Amanda, the Events Coordinator events@buckingham-tc.gov.uk with details.