Eight months after its initial launch, Buckingham’s very own heritage exploration app Buxplore has been used by a fantastic 2,700 people! To celebrate, the app is now going to be available to download directly from the Google Play store.
This moment is a fantastic milestone for the community project, which was created by Buckingham Town Council working with local schools, the Old Gaol museum and the Buckingham Society, supported by funding raised by National Lottery players through the National Lottery Heritage Fund.
Buxplore is a fun and interactive heritage exploration app. Answering questions you might have had whilst walking around Buckingham from ‘what is that?’, ‘who lived here?’ and ‘what used to be there?’ with interactive trails on a number of themes, including an introduction to local Heritage for Kids, the Stowe House parkland and a challenging murder mystery!
All of the Buxplore app routes can be completed by walking around Buckingham. Lots of users have told us that a trip out trying Buxplore has livened up their daily exercise. You can also use Buxplore from home using ‘virtual mode’ if you are self-isolating.
The Town Council is currently working on several new routes and upgrades to the app. Suggestions from the public about features you’d like to see are welcome. Please email office@buckingham-tc.gov.uk with your ideas.
Cllr. Mike Smith Chair of the Economic Development Working Group who started the project said “The Buxplore project, which has involved inputs by local groups and many individuals, has already proved to be a valuable asset for local people and visitors to fully explore our historic and picturesque town. Indeed, the restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic has seen many "armchair explorers" amazed at what they could learn about their home town. Perhaps most pleasing has been the engagement of our younger townsfolk - good grounding for a lifetime of heritage appreciation.
The National Heritage Lottery Fund has certainly enabled us to create a worthwhile and engaging addition to our numerous other reasons to fully enjoy our lovely town and all it has to offer, and we are most grateful to them".