Following the Bullets' successful Autumn term in 2021, we've kicked off 2022 with a kaleidoscope of exciting events, including our first competition since 2019.
This term our main priority was training and preparing for our competition on Sunday 6th March at the Cheercity Spring Open event in Leicester Arena. We started training three weeks prior to the event, so it was difficult training with the uncertainty whether we would be able to perfect our routine in time. Therefore, we kicked off 2022 with a 6-hour training session to nail our routine, it was an extremely physically challenging session for our Bullets! After 3 weeks of perseverance and training long hours twice a week we hit the road to competition in Leicester Arena where we secured 3rd place with no deductions. We were 0.4 points off second place, making our team eager to get back to the training mat next term to compete again! We couldn’t be more grateful for Roxy and Paige at MKCA for all their help with our routine and support, and our fantastic Sports Coordinator Sarah Ruff for cheering and motivating us on the day. A lot of hard work went in to organising our competition, it wasn’t a straight road, but it was all incredibly worthwhile. The atmosphere on the day was amazing, seeing our team members working together and supporting each other was such a rewarding experience. Although some of us were more relieved that no one was dropped in our stunts!

Working as a team is crucial for our Bullets to be the best we can. Our social last term at Locked in a Room in MK boosted our teamwork by solving clues and racing to escape in time. This term we have focused on collaborating with our other fantastic sports clubs at the university. We had a feisty rematch with the rugby team after our win at the Rugby v Cheerleading dodgeball charity match last term, although our volleyball skills weren’t quite up to standard with the UOB Bears this time. Last term we also enjoyed a chilled painting and wine session with the wonderful Buckingham Tornadoes. I was also very proud of our team for having the most members involved as a sports club in the BRIT challenge this term. This week we are looking forward to celebrating our competition results at a trampoline park and we are planning a large social event with the Basketball team for next term. Lots to look forward to!
Our plans for the spring term are to expand our team and welcome new members, we are hoping to compete again near the end of spring term to reach for the win. Our competitive opportunities here at Buckingham have enabled us to meet other university cheerleading clubs, we had a lovely meeting with the BGU Lions cheer team in Leicester last week and we are planning to do a mixed training session with the Northampton University Cheer team next term. We are also hoping to support our sports clubs at their games next term too after receiving our new uniform.
I am super proud of all our Bullets for working so hard this term. Everyone on our team has worked very hard not only at the competition but also during the training sessions this term. I am excited to see our club’s growth next term and see everyone’s skills develop.
If you would like to try out cheerleading for the first time or have any experience please get in contact with me on or on our Instagram @buckinghambullets . We welcome everyone with all abilities!