Kelsie Wright - BSU President
This year has been amazing. I have met and worked with amazing people and being on the BSU has been one of the best experiences of my university life.
Thank you to everyone who got involved and supported us, and please continue to do so with the new exec. Good luck to Adam, Jean, Martha and Eleanor with giving university sports your input and take, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Also, good luck to my exec: Melina, Liv and Grace. Thank you for everything, you were all amazing and I hope to keep in contact.
Thank you to Sarah who kept us on track and being in our weekly meetings was great, even if we all went off track at some points…. have fun next year and I can't wait to see what happens.
I hope everyone has a good Christmas!
All the best, Kelsie
Melina Petrie - Sports Club Officer
Working for the BSU this last year has been amazing and I couldn’t have worked amongst a better group of girls on the exec. Kels, Grace, Liv and Sarah, thanks for putting up with me! Over the last year we have done so much despite covid; organised successful events, took part in charity fundraising and ran our own workout sessions! It is hard to pick my favourite one between them all, but for me, nothing will top the Netball v Basketball netball game! Thank you to all the sports clubs for participating and doing their best to make sure these events ran smoothly. I can’t wait to see what the new exec and sports clubs get up to next year, and I’ll be cheering them on from Canada!!
With love, Mel
Grace Neal - BSU Secretary
I have loved working for the BSU over the past 15 months, it has allowed me to meet new people and have an impact on university life. My favourite part of the year has been the sports and society awards as it was an amazing a celebratory event for everyone. But, a close second was the rugby v cheerleading dodgeball match which was a lot of fun and raised money for charity. For me now, I have a small assistant job at a law firm lined up but will definitely be back in Buckingham soon to support the new BSU exec and the cheerleading club.
Liv Turner-Robson - Social Sports Officer
Being part of the BSU exec over the last year has been one of the most rewarding, challenging and experiences ever. Being able to work with an amazing team and coming into contact with so many different students whilst trying to make sport accessible for everyone is something I will never forget. I cannot wait to see where it goes next year