Freshers 2023 was a fortnight filled with plenty of activities across our Buckingham and Crewe campuses from Monday 25th September - Saturday 7th October 2023. We held Welcome meals, Freshers Fairs as well as trips to Zoos and local towns and activities such as tote bag painting, Karaoke, Quiz Nights and of course a few parties!!
Toby Corbett, SU President: "I'm so happy to see our new students have enjoyed the various events we've put on throughout the last couple of weeks, from the Freshers' fair to the Quiz Nights, we will continue to try and provide entertaining events that engage all of our students. We are always open to feedback on our events and how we can improve, we are a union for the students afterall, so please get into contact with us if there's anything you'd like to see from the SU in the future in terms of events and more!"
Tolu Osamolu, SU Vice-President - Student Voice: "Its been a real privilege welcoming the new students to life as students at the University of Buckingham. I particularly enjoyed getting to meet you all at the different events and trips, getting to know you as individuals, and I am excited to see how engaged some of you are already. I particularly enjoyed the badminton and basketball taster sessions in Crewe, and I don't think I can ever forget the Oxford trip with all my amazing tour guides, lol. As you settle into your studies, remember that the SU is more than just the one week of fun stuff. Get involved, join something , start something, vote, run in an election, make the most of your student experience."

Mari Chappell, Crewe Campus Coordinator: "In Crewe we welcomed a new cohort of students with an assortment of activities ranging from arts and crafts to sports club taster sessions, and of course, free pizza! At the Freshers Fair on Wednesday 27th we were joined by every club and society on campus to promote all that we have on offer. Turnout was excellent with over 80% of our new students attending, collecting freebies and getting involved. We can’t wait to see what the rest of the year holds for our new and returning students alike – a massive thank you to everyone who attended and participated in our Autumn Freshers calendar of events; there’s no Crewe campus without our amazing student groups and student leaders fostering this tight-knit community – and we can’t wait to come together again to do it all again in January!"
Keep in touch with what the Students' Union can offer you by following us on our social media channels listed below or for any questions please do not hesitate to email us on
Students' Union Instagram: @uniofbuckinghamsu
Crewe Students' Union Instagram: @uniofbuckinghamsucrewe
Buckingham Sports Union Instagram: @buckinghamsportsunion