Freshers 24 Wrap up

Freshers was here again from the 23rd of September to the 4th of October. This time it was for the September 2024 entrants. The Students' Union hosted a wide range of activities which included: Welcome meals, Karaoke, DJ nights, a couple of bustling parties, and  Crafternoon sessions, all of which had been aimed at welcoming the students into life on campus, and a feel of what their student experience outside of class would feel like. It has been amazing to see all the new and even returning students engaging in all the activities from week 0 till the very last event; Freshers Ball. 

Aside from the SU-hosted events it has been fun and even the highlight for some to see the stalls from the various sports clubs and societies here on campus during the Freshers and Sports Fairs. 

Annabel, SU Vice President, “Freshers had been an ecstatic experience; seeing all the new students join in and get a feel for what their Uni experience would feel and look like. However, the best part was witnessing the freshers, and the returning sports and societies executives meet each other and engage in common interests. It had been euphoric and reminded me of when I had first started at Buckingham some aeons of years ago and very eager to join in a lot of activities and give everything a try”. 



Toby, SU President “What a wonderful introduction for all the Freshers we’ve had! Something we noticed very apparently within these past couple of weeks is how engaged you all are with the activities and offerings from the Students’ Union and University; as I said in my matriculation speech, I’d implore you to keep this up, as many more exciting events and opportunities await you! This is an adventure you're taking on at Buckingham that is unlike any other and your Students’ Union will be right there with you all the way through it.” 


To view more photos from our September freshers events please click here and make sure to follow us on Instagram.