Executives meeting - 2nd February 2022


Meeting of the Student Union Executive  

Date: 2nd February 2022 

Time: 5:00PM – 6:00PM 

Location: Refectory  

Meeting Purposes:  

  • To introduce Zaid to the rest of the team. 

  • To address multiple points raised by Katy. 

  • To receive and communicate updates from each team member on their progress towards their term goals. 

  • To speak with and establish any ideas with members of the Security Team to make any improvements to their operations should they need any.  


  • Henry Hunt  

  • Katy Botha 

  • Karina Karagyozova 

  • Toby Corbett 

  • Dayeabasi Enoidem 

  • Adam Pilling 

  • Harry Chester  

  • Zaid Al-Baldawi 


  • Brandyn Impey 


  • Feedback to be taken from Students on what they think about Security’s name. 

  • Katy is to take issues concerning the level of lighting in some areas in Buckingham to the Council. 


Agenda/ Minutes: 

Matters Arising 

Security Points 

  • Discussions of the Name of Security:  

  • Karina opens with the suggestion that security is renamed to Security and Safety, to make it more open to students.  

  • Does introducing the Security members on a personal level to students cause more advantages or issues? Henry explains how this was the topic of a previous meeting.  

  • They probably won’t change the name. Security is here to do a patrol, the number one objective. Would be nice to make the attempt to talk about the name of security.  

  • Students and Security should have good communication, Security is here for students.  

  • See the feedback from students on the idea.  

General Updates:

  • Meet at the Refectory, for the dinner at 5:30 pm, Callum will be joining us.  

  • If you need to send an email to the VC, PVC: Make sure to send it through brook or Callum first.  

  • Karina: No big updates on time to talk day, Instagram post in the planning stages.  


  • Is currently dealing with and updating societies, Freshers Fair 2.0 Buckingham: Wednesday 5:30 till 7, needs Zaid there.  


  • Taking the lighting issue to council, the med and non-med events will take place on Valentine’s Day. Floating ideas around the event, lock and key, traffic cone cup. Brought up the idea that the SU Instagram should be more student-based.  


  • Most focus is on wellness Wednesdays. Working with Sarah MacDonald on an international day.  


  • Waiting for other universities to get back to him on his ideas about sanitary products, working to promote internships. 


  • Authorised launch of (-). Major meeting with all the execs on the 24th, girls’ rugby has grown significantly since last year.  


  • Spoken to Brooke and discussed ways of promoting environmental resources to students digitally, through Instagram. Need to discuss things further. Also need to speak with Henry further on enacting some of what was mentioned throughout Christine’s Report.  


  • Focusing towards, infrastructural changes within the medical school, the Covid measures that overtook the medical school that is negatively impacting learning are not showing signs of going away, simply because of how convenient it is to the medical school. The unprofessionalism system is too general across the actions that take place, the student support system needs to be referred to by students in Buckingham. Figure out what’s happening in Crewe, and make the students feel a part of Buckingham.  


Notes: Brandyn did not turn up, so he will receive a strike as he did not give any reason for his non-attendance.